
23 Writing prompts

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RayneWolfspeaker's avatar

Literature Text

1. Insomnia
2. Opposites
3. Twilight (as in the time of day)
4. Touch
5. Eyes
6. Loss
7. Gravity
8. Question
9. Nature
10.  Music
11. Animal
12. Reunion
13. Violence
14. Wild
15. Death
16. Jeans
17. Addiction
18. Awkward Situation
19. Pockets
20. Friendship
21. song (giving the writing the same title as a song or using lines from a song, similar to a songfic)
22. redone fairytale(a diffarent version or parody of a fairytale, legend, or folk story)
23. Home
21 writng prompts I thought of when I got bored.
free to use for whatever. only 3 rules:
1. do as many or as little as you want.
2. link back
3. send me what you've written or give me a link so I can read and fave it.
edit:this used to be 21 prompts, but I decided to make it 22.
EDIT AGAIN: I added a 23rd. because I felt like it.
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DaisySimpson2's avatar

Thanks for sharing these useful prompts