
301 deviations

8 deviations

Abstract Gender
215 deviations
AG 256
AG 256
Chapter 8Panel 1 (row 1, left)
Travis looks a bit surprised, Rachel looks defeated
Travis: R-really? you will? cool!
Rachel *sigh*Panel 2 (row 1, right)
Travis looks to be pondering excitedly, Rachel looks up a bit worried
Travis: Now, I've been thinking about what kind of costumes me and my date could wear to the dance, and there's lots of good ones, but I want your opinion before we settle on one.Panel 3 (row 2, full row)
Mostly head shots of Rachel and Travis with a whole bunch of bubbles of Travis and Rachel in different costuems float above.
"Prince Charming and Snow White?"
"Superman and Supergirl?"
"Aladdin and Ja...
AG Scripts
40 deviations

AGU Concept
17 deviations

AG Wallpapers by Asuka
10 deviations