Anime Expo 2016 - RAYNART - Artist Alley D-08

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Raynart-Tradnor's avatar
Hello everyone~

It's been a while I didn't give any news on DeviantArt. I am living in Japan right now, and this year I decided to come at Anime Expo!
It will be my very first time there. I am used to European conventions, I also were at Anime Festival Asia last year and also Comic Market at Tokyo.

Anime Expo event seems very huge and impressive, I can't wait to see you all there!
Here is my booth location and what I will have on my table. I didn't put all (not enough space) but I can garantee you won't be disappointed to see all I have to offer to you guys.
Anime Expo 2016 Raynart D-08
Click on the image to enlarge it...

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