Over Necromancy CoverRaynart-Tradnor on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/raynart-tradnor/art/Over-Necromancy-Cover-521851708Raynart-Tradnor

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Raynart-Tradnor's avatar

Over Necromancy Cover



Here's the illustration cover of my upcoming oneshot manga「OVER NECROMANCY」!
The world has been invaded by zombies, powerful zombies which can't be killed by guns.The air is infected and the only way to survive is to inject regularly an anti-zombification drug.Two special girls, a Necromancy apprentice and a girl with an incredibnle strength, and a group of survivors try to survive in this zombie world.
I told you the last time, this is my most dramatic work and I hope you will be emotionally moved by this story.

It will be released in French in one month, and in English version for Hyper Japan at London (The O2) in July!
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1000x1429px 276.99 KB
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CRUMVIII's avatar
I know what I'll be buying at next Made In Asia.~