Taste The RainbowRAWr-its-ASH on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rawr-its-ash/art/Taste-The-Rainbow-90400069RAWr-its-ASH

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Taste The Rainbow



hehe, my project for today! Took me ages to do all the different colours but they turned out great and yummy! The guys doing some painting and what-not around the house today also agreed :D

I might be spamming you with more pictures of the cupcakes ;P

(c) A.G. 2008

Oh my god...
you guys have seriously shaken me
750 favourites D:
and thanksyou for everyone who's commented, sorry if i dont always reply but rest assured i appreciate them all the same

for those whove asked heres the recipe/method

1 packet Vanilla Cake Mix
pink, blue and yellow food dye
3 bowls
silicon (or paper) Cupcake holder thingies

Mix the cake mix according to directions.
Then seperate mix evenly into 3 (using the bowls)
Add pink, yellow and blue to each bowl (obviously one colour per bowl)

Then put a spoonfull of mix into each of 12 cupcake things, make sure to leave half of the mix because then you add yellow to the pink (makes orange) then once again pour 1 spoonful per cupcake. Next use the yellow, then add blue to it to make green. Blue mix and finally add red to make purple and now theyre ready to cook (following mix directions)

Now, I think you just made rainbow cupcakes
please show me if you make them i'd love to see
Image size
2716x1888px 4.91 MB
Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Shutter Speed
1/50 second
Focal Length
6 mm
Date Taken
Jul 2, 2008, 12:50:39 PM
© 2008 - 2025 RAWr-its-ASH
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