Scp-1991 Sheetravich17pip on DeviantArt

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ravich17pip's avatar

Scp-1991 Sheet



Back it again for some more scp Sheet
Took a bit long time because artist is currently busy with field training
I'll be back to work on more work soon
Thanks for all the Fav and watch
Any suggestion and feedback
Comment below
Commission is open, always

Not for more info and boring mumbo jumbo
C. E. M cybernatically enchanted mamalian
A canine cybrog looking creature
Believe to be built as a sentient weaponise attack dog or some sort
But this one just got attacked and left behind
because first discover
It's body has a bullet holes and a lot of parts been through some bullet wound
She suffer a ptsd of some sort because she is easily frighten by loud noise, rapid activity
Also she wasn't blind at first because her collar used to work as a 360 camera but not it mulfunction and no longer work
So she is blind
Image size
3113x2260px 3.31 MB
© 2021 - 2025 ravich17pip
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Tomcurljewlery's avatar

i think a story about nursing her back to physical and mental health and repairing her cybernetics so she can see and talk would be a good idea