How RevoltingRavenousDrake on DeviantArt

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How Revolting



In September 2012, I drew this:
Day 01- Princess Celestia by RavenousDrake

I only spent maybe an hour on it, and it shows.  I decided to re-draw it and put a bit more time and effort into it, particularly so I could focus more on Celestia's expression. 

This is the first time I've really put an effort into using the vector tool in Paint Tool SAI.  While I love the result (for the most part), the work involved was incredibly tedious and mind-numbing.  I doubt I could do many more pieces like this, but it was a great learning experience, and I'll certainly keep what I learned logged away in case I decide to use it again.

This is also the first piece of art I've done recently that I've actually wanted to post, so I figured it would be a good way to end the year.  I don't do themed holiday art, so this is the closest thing you'll get to a "Happy New Year" from me.
Image size
1449x903px 779.72 KB
© 2014 - 2025 RavenousDrake
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partybugcreations's avatar
omg your right that's much cooler, grate job