12-14-2014  CheerileeRavenousDrake on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ravenousdrake/art/12-14-2014-Cheerilee-501113379RavenousDrake

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12-14-2014 Cheerilee



I started drawing this on January 29, 2014, and finally decided to pick it up again after that last drawing of Celestia {put thumbnail here}.  Going over the original sketch layer in a linework layer, weighting all the lines, tapering the ends, making them all fit together... it was... not fun.  To keep myself from stopping every five minutes to ask myself why the hell I was even bothering, I mostly listened to mind-numbing dubstep while I drew this.  It's not really music, but it helped to make sense of all the noise that was already going on in my head, and it kept me from thinking too much.

I'm not sure when I'll ever do another pony drawing again.  I've got another project in the works, and I'll be posting a few doodles from that soon.
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1800x1200px 1.08 MB
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