Ravenith on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ravenith/art/Teeth-394257354Ravenith

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Ravenith's avatar





Panthera leo - Lion, (African lion).
It was feeding time for the lions and they were all walking back and forth near
the glass window where I was standing. The male lion got so close that I didn't even
had to zoom in, which gave me a few of these shots. I rarely take any close ups, so I
thought I'd take some few of those and some of them came out really nice :aww:

Location: Borås Djurpark, (Borås Zoo), Sweden.
Camera: Canon EOS 60D.
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM.

Do NOT use my photos without my permission.
I do not want to see my photos on weheartit, tumblr or any other
photo sharing site. I do not want to see my photos in manips, unless you've
asked for my permission.
Image size
1000x667px 683.38 KB
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TamWoodroffe's avatar
I'm really not qualified to give a 'proper' critique...the only thing I feel is the crop is a little tight on his eyes. However I also understand that when photographing wild animals you have to grab the moment, so maybe a wider framing wasn't possible. Anyway...he's beautiful...I love lions of all the big cats, you can see the intelligence glowing in their eyes.