Ravenith on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ravenith/art/Eye-contact-410809876Ravenith

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Eye contact.



Eye contact. :meow:

Panthera leo - Lion, (African lion).
This photo was taken on the 25th of August, 2013.

This beautiful male lion is named Armani and he's one of the most 
social lions I've photographed and also one of the most beautiful lions. I've 
visited three different zoos where they have African lions, but not one of the 
males are as handsome as Armani and a lot of people I know have said so as well.

He's usually the first one to the glass window where I stand and he's always making eye contact
with me and it's just a really nice moment. Somehow he makes me feel more relaxed and I can stand 
forever by the lions enclosure to take photos of him, the cubs and the female lions. :aww: 

More photos of Armani..

Location: Borås Djurpark, (Borås Zoo/Boras Zoo), Sweden.
Camera: Canon EOS 60D.
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM.

Do NOT use my photos without my permission.
I do not want to see my photos on weheartit, tumblr or any other
photo sharing site. I do not want to see my photos in manips, unless you've
asked for my permission.
Image size
900x601px 1.18 MB
© 2013 - 2024 Ravenith
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MixtBloem's avatar
Wow just stunning! Could I use this photo as reference for my artwork?