Ravenith on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ravenith/art/African-lion-portrait-387811907Ravenith

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Ravenith's avatar

African lion portrait.



African lion portrait.

Panthera leo - Lion.
Do I have to tell you guys that I also love to photograph lions?!
This male lion is almost always near the glass window at the zoo and
I'm visiting him on Saturday! I hope I have a great photography day, because I haven't
been there since May.

I'm actually pretty happy with how this photo turned out and I'm almost never happy
with my photos, haha :aww:

Location: Borås Djurpark/Boras Zoo, Sweden.
Camera: Canon EOS 60D.
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM.

Do NOT use my photos without my permission.
I do not want to see my photos on weheartit, tumblr or any other
photo sharing site. I do not want to see my photos in manips, unless you've
asked for my permission.
Image size
1000x1500px 1.64 MB
© 2013 - 2024 Ravenith
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shonechacko's avatar
This is a great shot. May I please use this as a reference for a painting?