Ravenith on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ravenith/art/A-big-yawn-405965486Ravenith

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Ravenith's avatar

A big yawn.



A big yawn. :meow:

Panthera leo - Lion, (African lion).
This photo was taken on the 27th of July, 2013.

It was feeding time at the zoo and the lions were the ones that were getting fed.
I was standing near the enclosure for about 30 minutes and took a lot of photos and
the lions were pretty tired, since they just woke up from a nap. The lion on the photo
is called Armani. He is the father and there's three lionesses at the zoo and they
have four cubs. The females and the cubs are from Denmark :aww:

Location: Borås Djurpark, (Borås Zoo), Sweden.
Camera: Canon EOS 60D.
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM.

Do NOT use my photos without my permission.
I do not want to see my photos on weheartit, tumblr or any other
photo sharing site. I do not want to see my photos in manips, unless you've
asked for my permission.
Image size
1000x667px 691.36 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Ravenith
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gdpr-24348728's avatar
Since you want me to ask your permission before remixing your photos:

........am I allowed to use your photos for manipulation?  I promise to credit you, I always do.