just another artist trying to make my place in the world.
what programs to you use your digital artwork in?
Do you still do traditional work?
yes, I do even though it is not very often, I mostly use colored pencil or watercolor.
Do you do requests?
no, simply no. I do have the free time to do those anymore.
Do you do trades?
Depends on the artist and if I have time to do them. I usually only do art trades with artists I'm good friends with.
Are you open of commissions?
yes, I generally announce when I am open for commissions, but you are free to ask for commission whenever you want. how busy i am at the time will depend on whether I will turn down your commission or not. my commission info is on the front page as well.
Do you do tutorials?
no, because there are plenty of other artists out there that have tutorials on basically the same thing, but you what to learned something specific from me, I might consider it.
Can I use your art or characters?
no. period. not without my permission
Please do not repost my artwork without my permission first. Always give me credit and a link back to my site or my deviantART page if I allow you to use it.
Do not edit my artwork for your own images. There is plenty of free for use art and images around the net you can use for this purpose. My art is NOT free
Thanks for the fav, If you like my art follow me for more
you're welcome
thanks for the fav!!
you're welcome
Thank you very much for favorite!) Have a nice day!
you're welcome
Thanks for fave <3