Deviation Actions
Somethin’ tells me that Actor ANNUS is going to survive the end of the channel....
For better or for worse, 2020 was a crazy and unforgettable year. Unus Annus was one of those things that definitely enhanced the experience for the better.
I’ll keep this short by saying this: I have a deep respect for everyone behind the creation of this channel (Mark, Ethan, Amy, Evan, all of the editors, and even all of the special guests). Not every episode was a banger, and I’m certain that if COVID didn’t strike, I would’ve enjoyed the channel a lot more, but even so, I have such a deep respect for a project that was THIS exhausting and ambitious. I’ll admit that I’m a little nervous that things will go back to the quota of typical Let’s Plays after the deletion of this channel, but regardless, I’m super excited for what everyone’s next endeavors will be.
Memento Mori