If I were asked what was my inspiration to become an artist, my answer would depend on the circumstances since it would perhaps shock the questioner. When I was young, I had the rare privilege of seeing a great number of classic and b-grade films on local television before the days when video would take them from the small screen. There are many movies of horror or suspense that have employed the setting of a studio or a museum with fiends or monsters within, but the field narrows considerably when looking at films where the victims themselves become macabre works of art. Films like House of Wax, A Bucket of Blood, and Peeping Tom peaked my curiosity and fascination with the human form and the artistic impulse in general.
From there, I have combined my training in traditional and modern media to create unique visions. I'm drawn to the neo-Gothic genre, blending the figure with stylized & monumental architecture, a "look" favored by the new professional model who wants an "edgy" glamour/fetish portfolio variation. My wardrobe includes items from Cryoflesh, Hot Topic, Syren & accessories including exotic jewelry & fantastic blades. This also lends itself to my increasing fascination with "cosplay," being one of the lucky few who grew up watching alot of old school anime and being influenced by the likes of H.R. Giger and BROM.
I experiment with various recipes of beauty clay, liquid latex, and fabric to create unearthly textures or ones that simulate stone or metal to create the illusion of the figure as sculpture.
To a different end, I also employ the art of life-like bodycasting using modern materials (plaster bandages, alginate, latex) has generated wildly positive feedback from models who've been cast & art collectors. It is very much photography in three dimensions. Private commissions for bodycasting are welcome and prices start at $300.
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Current Residence: Chesapeake Bay
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Print preference: 18X24
Favourite genre of music: Off The Map
Favourite photographer: Weegee, Mapplethorpe, Gerald Hurell, Howard Schatz, Joel Peter-Witkin
Favourite style of art: Anamorphic, Abstract, Symbolist, Neo-Classical
Operating System: Mac OS (Classic and OS X)
MP3 player of choice: iTunes, iPod Shuffle
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny
Personal Quote: Life Is A Mood Ring We're Not Allowed To See