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Adapting To Night: Recruitment Page 11



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First Page: Adapting To Night: Prologue - Part 1 by Rated-R-PonyStar
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Cryos-R's avatar

The biggest question I have on my mind is: What is Lucid's deal? He's not wholly evil because he set Derpy free from the Dawn Crusaders when he could have just left her tied up (he didn't decide to free her the Crusaders just pissed him off enough to get killed) and he could have just left Melody to bleed out... or was she going to die regardless? I mean turning her was either a mercy or an opportunity and he did teach Melody a lot about being a vampire.

I love that he's making me wonder just what his deal is instead of me being able to figure him out. I just hope you already answered that question in your own story notes