Rated-R-PonyStar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rated-r-ponystar/art/5-Things-You-Never-Knew-About-Pinkie-Pie-659160392Rated-R-PonyStar

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5 Things You Never Knew About: Pinkie Pie



So yeah, this is hopefully a new series me and :iconsslug: will be doing over time. Basically the idea is to give five random facts that you never knew about our beloved characters in the MLP universe. Obviously, these are all fake but the challenge is to not only make them funny (or serious in some cases like number 3) but believable as well.

Our next character will be Fluttershy.

Please donate to my Patreon.
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2000x2681px 2.12 MB
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davidshadow275's avatar

technically she can have a foal, she has a foal in the last episode