Recycle Bin v2Rasylver on DeviantArt

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Recycle Bin v2



Updated: Now in .rmskin format
- Included missing white icons and a config linked to them - switch to this config to use the white icons with white text.

Here's one of two Rainmeter configs I intend to upload tonight.

This one can be used to monitor (and/or mostly replace your standard Windows Recycle Bin). If you left click it, it opens Recycle Bin, right clicking prompts it to ask you whether you want to delete the contents of the Bin.
The Count and Size values update as you move stuff in and out of it and if the bin is empty the icon will change to the empty bin icon.
The only thing you can't do this that the normal version lets you do is drag files into it - hopefully Rainmeter will support this in future...

I'll also throw in the white version of the icons, so you can swap between the two sets (these are originally from the ecqlipse2 set).

This is based on ~jsmorley's Recycle Bin plugin and the coding by gschoppe (thanks to the hard work put in by them and the Rainmeter dev folks!)
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I like it. Is there any way to make it smaller?