Lines 3Rasylver on DeviantArt

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Rasylver's avatar

Lines 3



Since my Lines skins seem to be popular lately, and I've been meaning to rehash this for a while, here's an updated version of my Lines skins suite - this is mainly an update to Lines 1, it has LinesConfigure included to allow you to change the colours of lines, fonts and bars all in one go instead of having to configure them one by one and each one comes in both the horizontal and vertical format. Each line can be turned on and off individually.

To use the temperature gauges, you will need to download and install SpeedFan and keep that running in the background.

EDIT: Find a modification of this using a different font with a new time display and a Winamp/Foobar control addition here
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Dman4869's avatar

By any chance could you make this compatible with CPUID HWMonitor? I upgraded to a ryzen 5 cpu and speedfan doesn't recognize the cpu.