Rariedash on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rariedash/art/Diplomacy-488990733Rariedash

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Ufff.... finally Im done!
Here its my newest Picture. Its about the idea of Twilight Facing the Ursa's
to get an alliance with these kind of mighty creatures. Well.. it didnt went good
for her and spike. Or am I wrong? ^^
Its so typical for us to force other cultures to get in bound with us, and take over our
life standards. Thats some kind of expression, I wanna show. There some creatures, folks
and civilisations out there who dont wanna change or wanna know about us. May Twilight
will learn about it. And maybe.. some other real folks will do too.

Mainpicture of Equestria Daily: Drawfriends #1321

Your RarieDash :3

I put so many effects on it to bring my standard look on them. But I think the original Vector look,
looks pretty good to. So take a look :3

Diplomacy - Pure Vector by Rariedash 

And yes of course there is a Wallpaper version, sadly only with one of the Ursa's

Diplomacy - Wallpaper by Rariedash 
Image size
1358x1920px 3.17 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Rariedash
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Makenshi179's avatar
I love the backstory in this one, and how Twilight is going there as a princess.
And great message, too ^^ We can change the world! :D