Rarayn on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rarayn/art/Scandinavian-Commonwealth-Flag-Evolution-255454440Rarayn

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Rarayn's avatar

Scandinavian Commonwealth Flag Evolution



Related Media:
Final flag fav.me/d421y3c

Map fav.me/d428kol

I have always wanted to make one of these, so I figured I'd make one for my Commonwealth of Scandinavia flag, even if it wasn't all that hard to see what came from where on it.

I stole the idea of making it school book-ish from Sapiento, who did something similar with this: fav.me/d207kxa

Norway's flag is a white saltire on red in this TL mostly out of convenience, but it was indeed one of the first Norwegian flag proposals from 1814, so it's not as if it doesn't make any sense. (As seen here: www.stortinget.no/PageFiles/94… )

Paper texture www.sycha.com/10-free-high-res…
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rphb's avatar
This is wrong in so many ways.
1) it is not how the norwegian flag looks like
2) Scandinavia already have a union flag. Which is a Standard Scandinavian crossflag that is yellow with a red cross