RaptoRkrd on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/raptorkrd/art/Fearless-870419213RaptoRkrd

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RaptoRkrd's avatar


Character  Darth MaulLocation  Kamino


"I was apprentice to the most powerful being in the galaxy once. I was destined to become… so much more."

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Brushes used
Lens flare www.brusheezy.com/brushes/5737…
Rain www.brusheezy.com/brushes/5746…

Software used
Frosty Editor frostytoolsuite.com/
Blender www.blender.org/download/
Adobe Photoshop www.adobe.com/ru/products/phot…

Models used
Clone trooper sketchfab.com/3d-models/clone-…
Darth Maul's lightsaber hilt sketchfab.com/3d-models/darth-…
Darth Maul and DC-17 models and textures, 
Kamino frontend are taken from Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) www.ea.com/ru-ru/games/starwar…

Material corrections and character posing, cloth corrections, lighting, camera position, composition and post editing are made by me.

Image size
3840x2160px 8.59 MB
© 2021 - 2024 RaptoRkrd
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EarthLurker's avatar

I remember playing Battlefront 2 and thinking, "As much as I love Maul, it's kinda weird to play as him fighting clones."

Then of course, many years later, Dave Filoni & co. kindly kept Maul alive all along in the Clone Wars era, where he actually did fight clones.  It was a dream come true.