A very Jashin XmasRaphaelaTheTurtel on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/raphaelatheturtel/art/A-very-Jashin-Xmas-274204066RaphaelaTheTurtel

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RaphaelaTheTurtel's avatar

A very Jashin Xmas



Didn't expect this eh?Well since Christmas is coming and we all missed Hidan lets celebrate this holiday with him:xmas::santa:
This year he is my fav santa and I'm sure he is going to bring me something that I'm gonna love:heart:And also some fanservice as a thaanks for the 10.000 pageviews^^Thanks guys&girls:hug::iconbiggrinplz:I'm sure you're wondering how I'm so happy?Well my grades at school are awsome and nothing has gone wrong this day:aww:So Happy Early Xmas to all of my DA friends and buddies:D:peace:

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Joshinist13's avatar
Merry Fucking Jashinmas Everyone!!!!!