3D Capstone Testrapappathepepper on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rapappathepepper/art/3D-Capstone-Test-1072740098rapappathepepper

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3D Capstone Test



Hope you're reading, i don't think i'll be using DeviantArt anymore for illustrations, while i still haven't migrated them to my website yet, it will be all there. Deviantart doesn't get art.

This is a character of mine, of a comic not yet out, but i'm still planning on things, though i'm busy to work on it, will it be in 3D? Nope, i just did the character "Stone" in 3D because... why not? He looks like an Astro Boy / Mega Man rip off, but maybe he won't be just that, whenever Capstone Project comes out.
And no, that previous Capstone thing called Cap. Stone, an earlier draft where he was Capitan Stone is completely different from that now, he's a robot now and not a super hero, like... well the thing it looks like it's knocking off, though he's quite expressionless because of that and also a bit naive and doesn't understand things, hope to spoil no more.

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2481x3507px 5.18 MB
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