RaoKurai on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/raokurai/art/Char-Gyalu-Meautix-492186433RaoKurai

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Char:: Gyalu Meautix



Gyalu Meautix
Race: Lumimi
Mythessence: Stella - Solaris - Psychic
Ability to tell fortunes by 'reading' the stars.

Gyalu is one of the staff at the Venesque observatory, along with his sister Maishi. Gyalu actually does a lot of things around he observatory, but mostly when no one else is around. He mainly does maintenance on the various exhibits, and especially the main telescope. When there are people visiting, he uses said telescope, as well as his special lenseless goggles to 'see' a persons history in the stars. He can also do this with cards with images of the constellations on them, like a tarot reading. Like most other fortune tellers, he's fairly cryptic about it, sometimes unnecessarily so. He just really enjoys the look people give him sometimes.

Gyalu is remarkably energetic at night despite his passive ability to channel Solaris mythe. A lot of his acquaintances joke about how he and his sister swapped Minor mythe at birth.
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