ranma-tim on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ranma-tim/art/Luncheon-of-the-Boarding-Party-40258598ranma-tim

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Luncheon of the Boarding Party



Another entry for a competition on Puzzle Pirates; the challenge was to piratify an existing famous painting, either by recreating it in a new piratey form, or by using Photoshop. I chose the latter, and Renoir's "Luncheon of the Boating Party" for my subject.

I don't think it would be very sensible to point out all the little changes. Notable ones are the sea, which is taken from another Renoir painting, and the added arm to the gentleman on the left so that he can swig his rum.

Competition was tough, and apparently the judges had a hard time of it - but in the end, I won the photoshopped section of the competition. Hoorah!
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1388x1035px 469.17 KB
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Amyxmoo's avatar
this is hillarious. what a clever idea :)