10 years of Space Channel 5ranma-tim on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ranma-tim/art/10-years-of-Space-Channel-5-147481005ranma-tim

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10 years of Space Channel 5



It was recently brought to my attention that Space Channel 5 was originally released on December 16th 1999, making it 10 years old. Naturally, to find an appropriate way to commemorate this I turned to the list of traditional wedding anniversary gifts:

So it turns out the 10th anniversary is mainly associated with Tin, and Tin has the same alchemical symbol as Jupiter (as shown by the pink morolian on the left), so the most appropriate thing to draw would of course be Ulala cosplaying Sailor Jupiter, flanked by 10 morolians!

It's a bit of a crazy image I must admit, so if you just want pure Sailor Ulala goodness, I'm putting a version just featuring her in my scraps:
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849x1200px 698.32 KB
© 2009 - 2025 ranma-tim
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DeskDeru's avatar
Sailor Channel 5~!! :heart: