Deviation Actions
Hey. I haven't updated my journal post since 2017... wow! Time sure flies!
I have posted some art here now and then so I haven't been totally absent, but I did notice that I let a lot of notes that people had sent me go unanswered. I apologize for that. I didn't meant to be rude by not answering, just being slack and unknowing. I will probably miss some notes as well in the future but I will try and do better.
Things are good here though, the family is doing well. My daughter is in grad school now and my son is a high school senior. So that gives me some more time to draw now that they're older and soon to be out on their own. Anyway, I will try to keep things updated around here a little better from here on. Later.
My website and other info
2 day left in campaign!
Back to Work Now... Hopefully
SDCC 2017
Ha ha, time flies, doesn't it? Awesome to hear from you again!