Rainpaw meeting Dawn (July Prompt) by RandomPurpleKitty9, literature
Rainpaw meeting Dawn (July Prompt)
Rainpaw padded across the temporary territory that the tribe had given Juniper clan, he looked around until he finally noticed some of the herbs that they needed to restock. He smiled and went over to them, humming to himself as he bean to gather them.
Dawn had heard about the clan cats. She couldn't stand the curiosity eating away at her. The black and ginger tortoiseshell peeked up behind a bush. To find a unfamiliar cat right in front of her. "AHHH!" She squealed jumping back out of the bush near the herbs.
Rainpaw jumped back and fell on his back with his paws up, the herbs that he had gathered into his mouth were now strewn all o
Rainpaw and Rosemarypaw: Discussing Herbs (RP) by RandomPurpleKitty9, literature
Rainpaw and Rosemarypaw: Discussing Herbs (RP)
Rosemarypaw stretched her tired body. She often found herself going out and gathering more herbs in fear of someone getting sick. The fire made her wary Duskpaw was doing all her could to keep her happy which she was. Though that fear of someone dying kept creeping up on her.
Rainpaw was sorting some herbs he had gathered but lifted his head up to look at Rosemarypaw. "Rosemarypaw, you need any help", he asked, a concerned look on his face.
The she-cat shook her head and smiled at Rainpaw, "no thank you, Rainpaw. It was nice of you to ask though." The albino she-cat said as she looked at what she had gathered. "It doesn't seem like enough."
Letting everyone know, I start class on the 22nd of August to the 11th of December. I plan on staying off of the internet for the majority of this time until my class ends (minus hanging out with FNGaymer on their B-day as well as checking up on notifications on some of my social medias).
This time around this will be the 3rd time that I've taken this class. For context, I originally was doing the Vet Tech program but I got stuck on the final part of the prerequisite which was this class. Due to that I had taken a break from it and tried the vet assistant program, however that didn't really work out so I decided to attempt this again.
So I don't want any distractions this time around because, to be honest, I want to get this over with so I can start the rest of the classes I need to do so I can eventually get a full time vet technician job.
Until then I hope everyone is well and see you all when I’m back around December 11th < 3
Mothcats has a "New Beginnings Mothkitten #2000 Raffle Ticket" Raffle going on so please check it out. The Mothkitten is absolutely adorable with a lovely design. Once you do, you should definitely also check out the "New beginning" Mothkittens up for auction if you're interested.
I hope everyone has a safe and great Memorial Day, let's celebrate our brave men and women that serves our country.
For my watchers that that know of and/or is a fan of the Anime/Manga series by Katsura Hoshino, D-Gray Man. Its the series 17th Anniversary so lets enjoy that too.