RandomMumble on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/randommumble/art/My-Son-My-Everything-254134422RandomMumble

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My Son, My Everything



Severus and Eileen.
I got the idea for this while working on the next animation and had to to do it. ...looked better in my head. ;P
Though I think I improved with nails...don't know.
Also Eileen intrigues me - I feel sorry for her, but then sometimes I'm so mad at her. It's a tragical story. Exactly the kind of thing I could muse over for days. =D

The first time I used stock images for reference - how awesome are stock images!? =D

Severus: [link] from :iconsarahebear-stock:
Eileen: [link] from :iconfantasystock:
Thistle: vaguely [link] from :iconfalln-stock:
unrecognizable Poppy: a photo my Mom took ;)

Gimp, tablet. Time? :shrug:

Edit: Oh, I always forget to mention: Recently I started adding birthmarks, freckles and such to the characters. (To me Sev and Eileen seem to be likely to have birthmarsks...) Since nobody said anything about that yet I suppose it doesn't look all bad. =D
Image size
1100x1000px 716.74 KB
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dixiekasilke's avatar
Amazing work. And I like the wedding ring too. :nod: