randomLy--random on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/randomly--random/art/Chibi-Crossover-179336552randomLy--random

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Chibi Crossover



this is something i drew for my sister, :iconangelvanity:...

*these are random characters from different series.
*from left to right: Morishima Haruka (Amagami SS), Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!), Tsukasa Hiiragi (Lucky Star), Ranko Hata (Seitokai Yakuin Domo) and Hanekawa Tsubasa (Bakemonogatari). if any corrections are to be made, just leave a comment(:
*i honestly like how this turned out though it really does need some more work...
*i'll work on the line art for this, because... well... i need to do so...
*yesss, they all have cameras because i really need to include that in the drawing(:
*also, thank you sooooo much to :iconjekaclover: && :iconpeacee123: for telling me Tsukasa Hiiragi's name because i honestly don't know it since i don't really watch Lucky Star :D :D
*download for full view ^v^

Lined-Art | Partial Primary Color | Complete Base Color | Complete
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1868x1098px 1.01 MB
© 2010 - 2024 randomLy--random
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peacee123's avatar
Cyuuute! The one from lucky star..... Im pretty sure her name is Tsukasa Hiragi.