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-blacksheep | day-game
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Traditional Art
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (187)
My Bio

anime fan. manga reader. noob nendoroid collector. aspiring digital artist (finally starting to study how to vector. HAHA). blogger. student.

I watch any anime as long as it's interesting. I watch all recommended series to me as much as possible. I avoid dropping any series unless it's a really, really bad or boring series. Mystery, Drama, Comedy, Romance and Psychological will always keep me going. I enjoying drawing but drawing almost hates me.

~i will not regret no matter what might happen from now on(:

LINKS: Minitokyo | MyAnimeList | Last.fm | Anime-Planet | TheBlacksheeProject

Too much senior-dArama by prosaix Art... by prosaix Forever lazy by prosaixUntitled by I need more sleep by prosaix More time... by prosaix Day Dreamer Stamp by Sora05 Zange Natsume fan by ChiisanaHoshi Tired by fear-the-brilliance Too Good For Words by fear-the-brilliance I Love deviantART Stamp by ViciousCherry Strawberry Stamp by Kezzi-RoseUntitled by DRRR Stamp... WEEE by webcamshadowUntitled by I go on deviantArt More by fear-the-brilliance Rewind Button by fear-the-brillianceUntitled by I imagine with music Stamp by tastelessfate Stamp - Durarara: Kida by Emiliers Life in pink-Optimism by prosaixUntitled by Stamp - Durarara by Emiliers YuGiOh stamp by prosaix

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
All Time Low. Flyleaf. Senses Fail. vistlip. miwa.
Favourite Books
Bakuman. the Clique Series.
Favourite Writers
Ohba Tsugumi. Lisi Harrison.
Favourite Games
Tekken. The Sims.
Tools of the Trade
Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Illustrator CS6, JASC AnimationShop 3.0, Paper & Pencil
When I feel like writing but have nothing in mind, this happens.After what feels like forever, here I am doing my update on dA(: The no.1 question is: where have I been and what have I been up to all this time? To simply give an answer to this, I just started my blog last Fall and doing my best to get used to the pressure of writing something even if I don't feel like it. Get the idea? See it here: click here . It's practically about anime, manga and Japanese music I listen to.Question no.2: why the heck am I back here on dA? Isn't going back here is just another burden to carry? First off, I'm not entirely sure if anyone can recall m...
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Now, I have more or less two weeks left for school and I'm off to finally have my short vacation :D :DSo I just had a haircut && I seriously think that I look like Takatsuki, Yoshino from Hourou Musuko . LOL. :D :D Anyway, two more weeks of hard work :P :P and I'm back to drawing!!! I surely can't wait for it. Plus, I won't only be going back to drawing, I'll also be back to watching continuous anime && reading manga (as if I'm not doing it right now. LOL). For vacation, I'm also planning on starting a LiveJournal account.. :D :DI currently have Charlotte Dunois from IS: Infinite Statos in draft right now and I'll soon finish it whe...
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since i already have classes again && i have some even more difficult subjects this term like electric circuits, programming, etc. i don't get so much time in doing stuffs like drawing, reading, etc. :noes: :noes: :noes: darn those homeworks >.+IMPORTANT NOTE: please do not repost my works as your own... i hate it when people do that... i know my stuffs are never good but it happened to me quite a few times now... resizing && reposting my stuff as their own without telling and/or crediting me... if you do see one like this, please do inform me(: LINKS: MiniTokyo Iconator +Work In Progress: -Yui from Angel Beats! w/ new clothes -- sketch -A...
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Profile Comments 810

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Thank you so much for the fav! Much appreciated! :D
no problem(: it was a really nice photo :D
Thank you for the favorite :airborne:
Thank you very much for the :+fav: :hug: