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Daughter of the Phoenix



Out of my ashes
will rise a new phoenix.

A soaring being
returning from death
proving once again
that life is eternal.

I live forever
because the spirit
never dies.

I will return
in another body
in another time,
but it is me.

The me who is me now
will always be.

As long as I live,
I learn.
And I live
F o r e v e r

-Carmen Colombo

The original concept of this piece actually made more sense in my head.  Since Phoenix Rising shape shifts into a phoenix I wanted to show her in both her forms. But when you really think about it- I might be thinking too hard but it doesn't really make sense. 

But anyway I am absolutely in love with my phoenix, I really like how it turned it out.  I spend hours scouring dA & the internets looking at phoenixes and pulling out the traits I liked best. 

Want to know how to do the phoenix? Check out this tutorial:
Phoenix Tutorial by randomkiwibirds

C R E D I T S || Referenced phoenix references with tutorial || Artwork © randomkiwibirds or Rebecca Merriman || If you steal I will hunt you down and devour your soul!

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© 2014 - 2024 randomkiwibirds
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RichardsonSquared's avatar
Oh wow! Almost like my character Blaze! Beautiful!