RandomComicSheet on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/randomcomicsheet/art/The-same-as-Them-1-1004122275RandomComicSheet

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The same as Them 1




RandomComicSheet's GG Acorn Tracker


This comic happens right at the end of the Groundhogs's Summer Camp and before the Hootenanny. Ratt is out of the hospital and back to his attic room, where he is starting to go to therapy with Treasure, so he's still very asocial.

Related Pieces:
Pic 1, Pic 2

Aiden is searching for Odessa, who is avoiding her friends for whatever reason, just like how Ratt did before. While Ratt couldn't care if Odessa stays or leaves the scouts, the similarity of this situation hits to close to his near-death-experience...

- Aiden BIizzardsong

17/3424 Acorns 
Image size
1000x1427px 1.07 MB
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spotty-bee's avatar

Me's thinks he hasn't had the best interactions with her.