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randis's avatar

War Girl



Hi people!
After getting many requests and questions about getting started with digital painting and other related subjects I decided to create a Page dedicated to this topic.
Everyone is free to join and participate in the free classes.
I am uploading various tutorials that will cover basics such as setting up a brush for painting (the brush I use), shading and blending techniques, Painting tutorials.
I will also post notes and tips, and organize small classes with homework and reviews.
The first 3 videos are up.

This should be interesting for beginners and will get you ready for the future advanced videos I will produce for

Please help me spread the word, it is a good thing and its free. Tell your friends and join in.
Once we get the thing rolling I will also feature some other artists and organize some simple life voice chat sessions and answer some questions.

/// The first Class is starting now! You will find the instructions on the page! Join in!

Here is the link, add yourself


Image size
600x806px 200.24 KB
© 2009 - 2025 randis
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armadillo179's avatar
this image is so cool, love the character and the body paint