randis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/randis/art/Subscribers-ImagineFX-52-cover-146357425randis

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January 5, 2010
Subscribers ImagineFX 52 cover by *randis - Outstanding!
Featured by archanN
randis's avatar

Subscribers ImagineFX 52 cover



IFX cover

- - -

Hello Everyone!

It is time!
I just finished uploading 3 brand new tutorial videos that cover various coloring methods.
The videos are with sound this time.

It is for you and it is free.
In about 1-2 weeks a new free online class will start too.

I host the videos on Facebook, communication and commenting is easy there, you will be able to upload your images for the classes and receive feedback from me by joining the Tutorial pages and the education material group.
I do a mirror update on both the group and the page, we will have to see what works best for the classes and communication,
so feel free to join both.

Here are the links:

HD-FORTRESS Tutorial page

Digital Art - Tutorials Group

I create and support the group and page in my free time to help out people who are new to digital arts,
Feel free to contribute by helping me spread the word. Invite your friends to join, post a link on your profile,
it is a good thing and i sure will create more educational material for a growing audience.

Image size
630x766px 1 MB
© 2009 - 2024 randis
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Essenel's avatar
I saw that little Doraemon :3