Ubuntu Mono Parcellite IconRamzea on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/ramzea/art/Ubuntu-Mono-Parcellite-Icon-161002817Ramzea

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Ubuntu Mono Parcellite Icon



I love Parcellite! It makes the clipboard work on Linux and has features I never knew I wanted in the frist place! My favorite thing about it is that when you're not using it, you hardly notice it's there. With that in mind, I attempted an icon to make it blend well with the other panel icons in Lucid's theme~

The instructions for it are included in the download!

Feel free to use it, share it, modify it, etc. but don't claim it as your own or sell it! O:
anonymous's avatar
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Thank you!Using it for Glipper.