I go by the name Rampant404. I am an independent artist, currently residing in New England. By day I works a joyless, dead-end retail gig (Oh well, it pays the bills, right?). But by night, I breaks out the pencil and paper and follows my true passion. goal is to continue to develop my own artistic skills while creating (and sharing) a body of work combining my favorite guilty pleasures - curvy beauties, fetish, and a schlocky sense of fun. There was so little out there that suited my tastes, I decided it was time to start making it myself!
fav music genre?
Are any of your older atreon exclusives like 'What If? 11' available for purchase?
Heya! Sorry I didn’t see this sooner, but yeah I can do that if you’re set up with PayPal? Send me a DM if you’re interested.
can you do requests?
Only on Patreon, now and again.
what's your patreon account
I do really love your art!