Favourite Visual Artist
Samwise Didier(Blizzard Entertainment), Tim Burton, Mr--Jack
Favourite Movies
Underworld series, Tropic Thunder, Simon Pegg films, Iron Man, X-Men, Tim Burton & Stephen King films
Favourite TV Shows
StarGate SG-1 and Atlantis, Fringe, IT Crowd, Robot Chicken, Metalocalypse
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Finntroll, Wintersun, Windir, Eluveitie, Disturbed, Dethklok, Wisdom, Dalriada, Sonata Arctica, Faun, Bach, Vivaldi etc
Favourite Books
StarCraft 8D
Favourite Writers
Hugh Laurie, Stephen King, George Orwell
Favourite Games
Starcraft 1-2, Pokemon games, Warcraft 3 (+The Frozen Throne), Universe at War, Sins of a Solar Empire series, Black & White, Unreal Tournament, NFS Underground 1-2, C&C games
Favourite Gaming Platform