WFRP: Career CompendiumRalphHorsley on DeviantArt

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WFRP: Career Compendium



Career Compendium

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay supplement cover artwork.
©Games Workshop/Fantasy Flight Games.

Acrylic. Approx 10.5" x 12".

Original artwork for sale: UK£600

The Witchhunter, Troll Slayer and Rat Catcher, are classic Warhammer characters, and here stand as a proud trio.

It is unusual to be asked to provide figures with no background (see link below for how the cover ended up); so I used strong backlighting to help delineate the figures whilst grounding them in the same place.

I had great fun re-visiting these archetypes. The Warhammer world is grim and gritty. Adding that feel is hugely enjoyable - clothes are always worn and frayed, bodies scarred, and eyes having a knowing glint revealing the horrors they have seen.

Oh, and I got to do a tough little terrier too!

Here is where the product can be found - along with all it's trade dress.

Image size
1556x1776px 536.39 KB
© 2009 - 2025 RalphHorsley
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JNinelives's avatar

I love the doggie! XD

Certainly looks like he's got fight in him! ^_^

Edit: the striped blue-and-white pants of the Troll Hunter remind me of the character Obelix, which I suppose is appropriate! :)