RalphHorsley on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ralphhorsley/art/The-Sacred-Pool-172023726RalphHorsley

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The Sacred Pool

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The Sacred Pool

Talisman boardgame expansion, cover artwork.
©Fantasy Flight Games/Games workshop

Acrylic, Approx 9" x 13".

Original artwork SOLD

The Dark Knight was brought to bay, and in the worst place possible - by the banks of The Sacred Pool.

This is the latest in a series of covers I have created for the Talisman board game and its associated expansions.

I enjoyed mixing a strong design sense (the Lady and her accompanying magical effect - all very symmetrical) with the more realistic action of the characters; the different elements being tied together by the lightingeffect upon the foreground figures, and the glowing runic rocks.

Details of the game can be found here:

Image size
1001x1476px 310.07 KB
© 2010 - 2024 RalphHorsley
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