Taunting MemoryRalphHorsley on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ralphhorsley/art/Taunting-Memory-181702698RalphHorsley

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Taunting Memory



Taunting Memory

Rules Compendium; D&d Supplement.
©Wizards of the Coast.

Acrylic, Approx 16" x 22"

Original Artwork SOLD

Facebook Page: [link]

The Dungeons & Dragons supplement Rules Compendium has just been released, and this was one of my pieces from the book. Details of which can be found here: [link]

Taunting Memory was great fun as for once it depicts a group of characters socialising after the fight. Usually I find myself showing a combat in progress, but this time we get to see how the Dark Elf behaved when faced with a Beholder - although I also like the fact you could interpret this as a prophecy of events yet to happen - either way he doesn't look too happy about the telling.

The viewers first attention is drawn to the Dark Elf by the strong contrast of his skin and hair. Something further reinforced by his clear profile and the framing element of the light coloured picture on the wall behind him. The row of heads helps keep our attention in the upper part of the picture, whilst various lines, the Elven staff, Dark Elf's sword and scroll case, Dwarf's arm and roof beams, help draw the eye towards the conjured memory. This in turn is more saturated than the surrounding elements, again, hopefully, getting our attention.
Image size
718x984px 209.74 KB
© 2010 - 2025 RalphHorsley
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cnotbusch's avatar

I love the storytelling in this great design