Talisman: FrostmarchRalphHorsley on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ralphhorsley/art/Talisman-Frostmarch-139296572RalphHorsley

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Talisman: Frostmarch



Talisman: Frostmarch

Talisman boardgame expansion, Frostmarch, cover artwork.
©Fantasy Flight games/Games workshop

Acrylic, Approx 9" x 13".

Original artwork SOLD

The Ice Queen twisted the howling icy gales into a raw elemental force to be flung against the adventurers.

This painting was created as the cover for the latest Talisman baord game expansion. I was working with existing designs for the adventurers but had more freedom with the Ice Queen.

Fortunately the yellow skin of the Ogre allowed for a lovely colour contrast with the Ice Queen, helping the foreground figures pop, whilst the strong highlight helped bring the collaged elements of the adventurers and Queen together.

I also tried to make looser and more expressionistic marks in the background, whislt the foreground elements were more tightly rendered. Again to help create contrast and strong readability.

Follow this link to see the picture with the trade dress on and to find out the product details:

Image size
1575x2373px 779.71 KB
© 2009 - 2025 RalphHorsley
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