TalismanRalphHorsley on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ralphhorsley/art/Talisman-51969749RalphHorsley

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April 23, 2008
In the distance one could hear the damsel in distress crying while huge red wings covered the sky. The magic was sparkling in the air, the battle cry of the battle-mage gave warriors extra courage and strength to battle forward. The roar of the dragon could be heard for miles away. Talisman by *RalphHorsley is just beyond wicked, imaginative work that takes the viewer straight back to the time of magic, heroes and amazing adventure. If one likes Dungeons and Dragons the work of this artist should not be missed under any circumstances. Please do check rest of his gallery.
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Talisman box cover artwork; ©Games Workshop
Acrylic; approx 19" x 19"

Original artwork SOLD
Games Workshop have decided to revamp and relaunch the perenially popular boardgame Talisman. I was very fortunate to be commissioned to work on the cover and board artwork.

The object of the game is to be the first to reach, and secure, the Crown of Command, which is guarded by a Dragon in a valley of fire. The Talisman, of the game's title, acts as a ward against the fearsome Dragon.

The players play different characters, Knight, Priest, Thief, etc, and I needed to show several of these interacting and racing to the prize whilst being attacked by the Dragon.

I came up with the idea of a spiral staircase. It allowed me to show lots of characters trying to get to the prize without all overlapping, whilst it would also lead the viewer's eye into the image. I tried to compliment this by employing different light sources, with the strongest of all falling on the central figures of the Knight and Dragon

I hope you like my interpretation of a fierce red Dragon.
Image size
1470x1476px 529.65 KB
© 2007 - 2025 RalphHorsley
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HeartsUnlocked's avatar
This is one of my favorite games!! SO COOL!!!