RalphHorsley on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ralphhorsley/art/Illiyana-Moonblaze-129521433RalphHorsley

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Illiyana Moonblaze



Illiyana Moonblaze

Acrylic, approx 10" x 11"

World of Warcraft trading card game illustration
©Blizzard Entertainment & Upper Deck.

Original artwork for sale; UK£350

Don't confuse relaxed with unprepared.

In portraying Illiyana I wanted to convey the sense of a powerful figure who knows their own strength, and because of that appears nonchalant and confident. To help with that impression I chose a view that is straight 'to camera' and without too much twist or foreshortening.

To help make the figure pop I opted for slightly desaturated colours in the background, with softer marks and edges to the forms, whilst Illiyana is picked out by the back rim lighting.

Full details of the card she appears on can be found here:
Image size
1582x1754px 461.24 KB
© 2009 - 2024 RalphHorsley
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Wenvertn's avatar
Seen her ingame, it does this rogue no justice.