Day 2: Carrie Fisher and Debbie ReynoldsRalenore on DeviantArt

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Day 2: Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds



Just a little tribute. Wish I didn't have to.

Watercolor on scrap (Strathmore?) vellum, 11x14". On tumblr. Mental note: Don't paint on vellum. Literally the most unforgiving paper ever. Mental note 2: Not sure what to do with said vellum. Ink maybe?

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1188x1548px 379.18 KB
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SabitheWitch's avatar
This is beautiful, I might not have been affected by their deaths since I have only recently been getting into the hype of star wars, so I can only imagine what it's like for the people who grew up with the franchise since day 1 or have been into it for a very long time. I'm sure if the two actresses could see this, they would be very grateful. Keep up the good work.