DR Lyra Puppet Rigs v1.0RalekArts on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/ralekarts/art/DR-Lyra-Puppet-Rigs-v1-0-353205565RalekArts

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RalekArts's avatar

DR Lyra Puppet Rigs v1.0



DILeak is proud to present the front, three-quarters, and profile flash puppet rigs for Lyra derived from the official puppets being used for Zachary Rich's next pony animation - Double Rainboom!

You can download the .FLA in CS5.0 format by clicking the download button to the right of the picture.

v1.0 ► (February 8, 2013) Final release - front, 3Q, & profile views fully nested with mouths, eyelids, cheeks, ears, and other general body parts.

• Zachary Rich (assets, rigging)
• Aaron Lavarnway (assets)
• Kurt Smith (assets, rigging) [link]
• Michelle LaPalme (assets)
• Rachel McWhirter (assets) [link]
• Christer Jensen (assets)
• Travis Tessmer (assets)
• Sean Simon (assets)
• Eric Kurzmack (assets)

[link] -Rainbow Dash
[link] -Twilight Sparkle
[link] -Rarity
[link] -Applejack
[link] -Pinkie Pie
[link] -Fluttershy
[link] -Octavia
[link] -Vinyl scratch
[link] -Berry Punch
[link] -Bon-Bon
[link] -Colgate
[link] -Derpy
[link] -Lyra
[link] -Spitfire (DILeak)
[link] -Spitfire (Jordo76)
[link] -Trixie
[link] -Filly Mane 6
[link] -Daring Do
[link] -Photo Finish

• MLPFiM Original characters created by Lauren Faust & DHX Media • MLPFiM © Hasbro Inc. • Double Rainboom is no way designed to infringe upon the rights of Hasbro and DHX Media. It is, completely and utterly, a fan-made concept and intended for free distribution for the promotion of My Little Pony.
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fikran0582's avatar
can using macromedia flash 8?