WWoman-Alt Doodliesrakugakikiss on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rakugakikiss/art/WWoman-Alt-Doodlies-194419273rakugakikiss

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WWoman-Alt Doodlies



So at the latest get-together of the DC sketch group we threw some superheroes across the table with the job to doodly something new with 'em. :iconchrisjamesscott: gave me Wonder Woman and the explicit directive to "give her pants."

Kinda sloppy coloring but I was just playing around~ I don't know a lot about WW so I just sorta freeballed it. There were gon' be stars on the blue but my white pen didn't want to work, boo.

Lazy afternoon doodling, ink & marker.

Image size
465x790px 248.8 KB
© 2011 - 2025 rakugakikiss
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Kerevon's avatar
I have just ONE problem.

There ain't a lady in the world who holds herself like that. Not. A. One. If you ever feel the need to redo it, have her straighten up. Because I do not know ANYONE who would (or could) throw their chest out like that. And especially not a warrior princess.

That said, the rest of it is bloody fantastic. Love the shoulder-thing.