Totodile Speedpaintrajewel on DeviantArt

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rajewel's avatar

Totodile Speedpaint



A quick speedpaint to practicde some stuff. Not quite what i had in mind but its okay all the same. Subject inspired by this weeks DMAP over at pokefanclub

Sai 1.5 hours
Image size
1280x989px 663.83 KB
© 2012 - 2024 rajewel
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Seraphina16's avatar
Now that's a totodile I would have loved as a Pokemon. Looks more crocodilian and strangely... sweeter? Wha- I don't think a crocodile is meant to look sweet, but for some reason this one does. Don't judge me! It's the smile! And the way it's eyes and the dark-toned background makes the angle of the eyes stand out too, which only makes it look even more cute. That's it. I need a psychiatrist. And a totodile. Right after I finish looking at all those pretty pictures.