Rhea Snaketail Figure Designraizy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/raizy/art/Rhea-Snaketail-Figure-Design-189550486raizy

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raizy's avatar

Rhea Snaketail Figure Design



I'm uploading this to draw attention to the fact that there is a 4" resin Rhea Snaketail figurine available for pre-order RIGHT NOW on Patch Together! There will only be enough figures made to cover for the pre-orders, and a minimum of 50 orders are necessary to produce the figure.

If this experiment with Rhea is successful, then I'll move on to making figures of Buwaro and Kieri. Here's hoping!

Rhea Snaketail is my original character and she is from Slightly Damned.
Image size
1334x1396px 767.12 KB
© 2010 - 2025 raizy
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nilgodmode's avatar
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And that's how you waist 10 minutes of everyone's time... Also I love your work so keep it up...